Akıncı is going to Davos

Akıncı is going to Davos

President Mustafa Akıncı will attend the World Economic Forum to be held on January 19-22 in Davos, Switzerland.

In his speech during one of his receptions Akıncı said that the Secretary-General has still no “intention” concerning the tripartite meeting in Davos with the United Nations Secretary General (UNSG) Ban Ki-Moon and Greek Cypriot Leader Nikos Anastasiades.

Stating that  the Turkish Cypriot side is not a party to sidestep from the negotiations on every ground, on the contrary, the Greek Cypriot side is the party which sidestepped from the quintet meeting with the United Nations Secretary General (UNSG), Akıncı said: “If the UNSG propose for a tripartite meeting, the answer will surely be positive.”

Pointing out that Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and the world’s best-known businessmen and politicians will be in Davos and the world’s most important issues will be discussed at Davos,  Akıncı said: “I believe that the four of us must not avoid to get together and drink coffee. We must take advantage of being there and sit and talk and try to understand each other.”

Stating that he welcomes the participation of UNSG Ban in the meeting, Akıncı underlined that there is no quintet meeting which will be set up by the United Nations.

On the other hand Greek Cypriot Administration Spokesman Nikos Christodoulides made a statement and said that the Greek Cypriot Administration does not favour either a formal or informal four- party and/or five – party meeting in Davos.