Call for resumption of identification studies

Call for resumption of identification studies

Greek Cypriot daily Alithia noted that during their meeting held the day before, Greek Cypriot Assembly Immigrants Committee made a call for resumption of studies for identification of Missing persons by the Committee on Missing Persons as soon as possible. According to the news, excavation works were done to identify the resisters who were killed at “Konstantinu and Eleni” cemetery during 1974 coup and other persons who died on the same day at Nicosia Hospital due to natural reasons and within this framework, remains of 25 persons were found. Fotiu also expressed that excavations will also start at the Greek Military Cemetery in order to find the commandos in the NORATLAS type airplane which departed from Greece on 22 July 1974 and was shot by the Greek Cypriot National Guard, GCNG due to lack of communication.