Events for 41. Anniversary of Second Stage of Cyprus Peace Operation start today

Events for 41. Anniversary of Second Stage of Cyprus Peace Operation start today

Events for 41. Anniversary of Second Stage of Cyprus Peace Operation are starting today.

After 41. Anniversary celebration events on account of liberation of Gazimağusa, Serdarlı and Lefke are held, Martyrs of Muratağa-Sandallar, Atlılar and Taşkent will be commemorated.    

In the framework of 41. Anniversary of liberation of Serdarlı a ceremony will be held today in front of the Ataturk Bust in Serdarlı.

A commemoration service for the Martyrs of Muratağa-Sandallar and Atlılar will also be held today and commemoration service for Martyrs of Taşkent will be held tomorrow.