Greeks denied themselves on the issue of mines

Greeks denied themselves on the issue of mines

With the map Greek Cypriot leader Nikos Anastasiadis gave to President Mustafa Akıncı last week as a show of good will, the Greek Cypriots appeared to be lying in pervious discourses about the mines. Former Greek Cypriot Foreign Minister Yorgo Yakovu in 2003 said about the mines in question “They were laid by the Turkish Military”.

Security Sciences Specialist Assistant. Assoc. Dr. Can Kasapoğlu who did his Master’s and PhD in Military Academy, Institute of Defense and Strategic Studies Institute at the war academies, referring to the international plan report signed by Yorgo Yakovu  who was the  Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs 2003 and then a negotiator, drew attention to the new questions that need to be answered.

At the national plan report of Ottawa convention, Yakovu described the position of Cyprus in 2003 stating that the region in question has mines but they were laid by the Turkish Military.

Contrary to the claim of Former Greek Cypriot Foreign Minister Yakovu, Greek Cypriot Leader Anastasiadis said “We laid the mines. Here are the maps” and this was perceived as continuation of contradictions and bluff which have been carried on for years about the mines.