Nami: “Negotiations should start as soon as possible”
The Minister of Foreign Affairs Özdil Nami stated that UN’s dialogue with both sides in Cyprus has been continuing and efforts have been spent in order to overcome the difficulties regarding the joint statement.
Nami said ‘I hope these works reach a positive result in the near future. There are large masses of people in both sides of the island who wish a positive result. During his visit to Cyprus Turkish Trade Union Federation (TURK-SEN), Foreign Minister Nami gave information about the latest stage reached at the Cyprus issue.
Mentioning the issue of joint statement upon a question of a press member, Nami said that joint statement should be made by the leaders.
Nami said ‘Negotiations should start as soon as possible without delay. I believe that is the concrete demand of both people in the island’.
Moreover, reminding that he had meetings with chambers, organizations and unions after taking over the duty of Foreign Minister, Nami pointed out that sharing of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ works, vision and perspectives on solution of the Cyprus problem is very important.
Nami also added that everyone in the country has a view on the Cyprus problem and he thinks that these views should be taken into consideration.