President Akıncı: “ Solution can be reached within months”

President Akıncı: “ Solution can be reached within months”

President Mustafa Akıncı said that with this pace and with this determination, it will be a matter of months rather than years to solve Cyprus problem.

In the last day of his Brussels visit, Akıncı met with reporters of Reuters, Wall Street Journal and Economist.

Stressing that Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots have seen each others as enemies for long years but this must change, Akıncı said that there was the same situation between Turkey and Greece in the past but many new opportunities can be arisen with a new understanding.

Within the framework of his high level contacts in Brussels, Akıncı met with President of European Council, President of European Parliament, President of European Commission and chairmans of some political groups and had interviews with Turkish and foreign journalists.

Akıncı  has returned to the TRNC this morning.