World Peace and Technology Experts to meet in Nicosia for a Conference

World Peace and Technology Experts to meet in Nicosia for a Conference

The second “Build Peace” conference will be held on 25-26 April in Cyprus with the aim of increasing the effect of information and communication technologies as games and communication networks on peacebuilding initiatives.

The conference will bring together 250 peace and technology experts, academicians and activists from 30 countries.

The activity which will be held both in Northern and Southern parts of Nicosia walled city, is supported by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Regarding the activity, UNDP Programme Manager Cristopher Louise said “Both Cyprus ‘ geographical position between Europe and the Arab countries and knowledge and experience wealth of Cypriot civil society towards peace initiatives, makes Nicosia a unique venue for the conference.”

Louise also added such an important event will be a great opportunity for learning and sharing for both Cypriots and International Community.