Sefcovic has pledged that the European Commission will do its utmost to help find a political settlement in Cyprus
European Commission Vice President Maros Sefcovic has pledged that the European Commission will do its utmost to help find a political settlement in Cyprus, saying that Cypriots can count on EU assistance in this respect. “You Cypriots can tell us what you need and we can do our utmost and the same goes for the UN. You can count on our assistance and I hope 2016 can start with a positive story on the Cyprus solution“, he added. Sefcovic spoke of the peace process, noting that hard work has been accomplished so far and pointed out that enormous efforts are being made so that the problem is solved. Sefcovic also praised the role of the Embassy of Slovakia, his home country, in facilitating the bi-communal dialogue in Cyprus. Slovakia has been hosting meetings between the political parties in the two communities for the past years. The UN backed negotiations are under way with the aim to reunite the island under a federal roof. The EC Vice President spoke of the energy union and the future plans of the EU and also of the geopolitical developments in the region. He expressed the wish to see `dynamic progress` in the near future. The Commissioner recalled that the EU was formed as a steel and coal community and now it is more than feasible to turn it into sun and wind sources and noted “we must look into new solutions and innovations.”